LEADER Photonics GmbH
Tirolerstrasse 80
9500 Villach
Telefon: +43-(0)4242 58030
The LEADER Photonics thermal imaging cameras are distributed via sales partners only. Please contact your local dealer or area sales manager:
Interspiro GmbH
Fürstenfelderstrasse 35
8200 Gleisdorf
Phone: +43-(0)3112 36133-0,
Wim Wessels: Tirol, Vorarlberg, Salzburg, Oberösterreich, Südtirol
Phone: +43-(0)664 3884699, E-Mail: wim.wessels@interspiro.com
Reinhardt Tomek: Wien, NÖ, Burgenland
Phone: +43 (0)664 1458348, E-Mail: r.tomek@tomek-brandschutz.at
Wolfgang Bierbauer: Steiermark, Kärnten
Phone: +43(0)664 4417713, E-Mail: wolfgang.bierbauer@interspiro.com
Ingrid Fuchs: Back Office
Phone: 03112 36133-0, E-Mail: ingrid.fuchs@interspiro.com
Tomaz Dodlek: Service and Training:
Phone: +43(0)3112 36133-21, E-Mail: tomaz.dodlek@interspiro.com
Vertrag "Feuerwehrausrüstung", LEADER Photonics GmbH - BBG GZ 2901.03596
All other Leader products like ventilators, lances, foam etc. can be purchased in Austria via Leader GmbH.
Please contact us here
In 2002, BIOex, a memeber of LEADER Group, made a commitment to protecting our environment by launching ECOPOL:
This is the first fluorine free foam concentrate in the World!